2023 February 15 – 17. Atlanta, GA
SERDI Regional Council Leadership Development Conference
Click the button below to register. Conference registration fee is $400.
About the Conference
The SouthEast Regional Directors Institute (SERDI) Council of Peers presents the Inaugural SERDI Regional Council Leadership Development Conference…”Whose goin’ to Fill Your Shoes?”
The conference will be held February 15 – 17 in Atlanta, Ga. at the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together:
(a) Up and coming regional council staff members that demonstrate strong leadership acumen;
(b) Staff members that show potential beyond the position that they currently hold at the regional council;
(c) Staff members that would be carefully considered in advancing through a succession planning effort for their regional council; and/or
(d) A staff member that could project out to be a possible associate or executive director at their or another council in their state or the SERDI region in the future.
The cost of the conference is $300 per participant for the first 50 individuals registered. After the first 50, the registration fee is $400. Additionally a hotel information sheet with the link to the room block is provided. The room rate is $179. Finally included in the packet is the agenda for the conference.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Jim Youngquist, Lead SERDI Staff, at 501-766-5659 cell/text or jim.youngquist@icloud.com .