2024 Deep Dive Financial Management Training, Greenville, SC
Materials and Presentations Downloads:
Wednesday, February 7:
An Eagle’s Eye View – An outside perspective on Regional Councils/Development Districts Financial Operations and Performance
Block and Tackle: Fundamental Accounting and Financial issues facing newer Finance Directors (and Executive Directors)
Ways to Improve your Council’s Financial Position and Long-term Financial Sustainability
Dear Diary: What Finance Directors WANT Executive Directors to understand about their positions and responsibilities
Recruitment and Retention: Ideas and innovative approaches to attract and retain finance personnel and other employees
Navigating in the Fog: Clarity for classifying exempt/non-exempt
employees and independent contractor/employees
Thursday, February 8:
“Playing Well with Others when Utilizing Federal Funds – part 1: Subrecipients vs. contractors and the nature of the federal financial relationship
“Playing Well with Others when Utilizing Federal Funds – part 2: Subrecipient management and monitoring
“Playing Well with Others when Utilizing Federal Funds – part 3: Procurement of goods and services using federal grant funds
Holding Hands: The relationship between, and varying organizational structures of, human resources and finance in regional councils/development districts
Where to Begin: Getting started as a new finance director, prioritizing needs, putting out fires, and assessing your organization (Personnel/administrative/financial policies)
“The Main Event: The Human Resources Role in Councils of Governments”
Friday, February 9:
Frustrations with the GASB Cartel: New GASB pronouncements and issues for Regional Councils/Development Districts plus additional Annotations
Next Steps in Financial Management: Establishing a professional network for finance staff to discuss industry trends, share concerns, and identify best practices and develop financial leadership for SERDI regional councils/development districts.